You should be seeing the kumihimo braid design tool here.
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About the braid
We wondered if we could adapt the kongoh gumi braid to work with, for example, multiples of 3. The threads work together as 2 sets of 3 pairs, and the moves for each set make triangles. The braid itself is looser than the kongoh gumi, and is slightly hollow. I have found that on disk and on marudai, getting consistent tension is important – this is not a very forgiving braid. My first attempt on a marudai didn’t look too bad – apart from a few mistakes, so I confidently started again, and again, and again until eventually I managed to find something that seemed to work consistently.
How to use the designer
Use the colour picker to choose your thread colour. If you use it on the braid, it will be added to your colour list so you can easily choose it again. Click on the thread you want to colour in the braid diagram.
Some braids allow you to change the number of threads. If available, you can use the "+" and "-" buttons to change the number of threads - active internet connection required.
Marudai instructions
I used a lower amount of weight than usual in my counterweight - usually I use around 1/3rd the total weight of the tama, but this time I used around a quarter.
My best results came from moving each thread above the position directly opposite its start point, and then putting it down in the correct place.
I found the braid worked better if I made the start group for each set of moves change clockwise around the marudai rather than always being one of the same 2 groups.
Disk instructions
This braid has a tendency to become uneven if the tension changes, so be careful to hold the disk and pull the threads the same way for each move. I thought that it wouldn't matter which thread pair I start for each set of 3, but I found that the braid is more even if I start a set of moves by turning past the start/end pair of the last set of moves.
- This braid was derived by ourselves.