You should be seeing the kumihimo braid design tool here.
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About the braid
We were looking at a book on hair braiding, “Art of Hair Braiding” by Mark Campbell, and trying to figure out the instructions for the first braid. They don’t work for us as they are reading them, so we decided to try different ways of reinterpreting the instructions to see what we could come up with. It is not quite the same as our first Octagonal braid – there are adjacent columns of threads running in the same direction in this one.
How to use the designer
Use the colour picker to choose your thread colour. If you use it on the braid, it will be added to your colour list so you can easily choose it again. Click on the thread you want to colour in the braid diagram.
Some braids allow you to change the number of threads. If available, you can use the "+" and "-" buttons to change the number of threads - active internet connection required.
Marudai instructions
At first, I had step 2 before step 1 and step 4 before step 3. I found the order shown easier for putting tama in the middle of a group, and did not observe any difference in the braid produced.
Disk instructions
Be careful to rotate the disk in opposite directions each time - if you keep going in the same direction, some of the threads won't be braided.
- This braid was derived by ourselves.
Nice and good looking. Not very Hard to do. I made it on disc, a lot of moving the threads but when you get the moves right it comes toghter quickly. Try it out it looks great.
How do i do it? What’s the intructions? Please…
You can see the instructions by clicking the appropriate button just above the designer. This braid has instructions for disk and marudai.
As far as I can tell, the black threads never move. Am I missing something?
If you look at the Marudai instructions, at the end of step 4, the black threads at the top will be the first threads to move when you go back to step 1.
If you are looking at the disk instructions, the black threads are at the top after you have done the rotation of step 10 – and again, they will be the threads that are moved across to the bottom when you go back to step 1.
Black threads at other positions will also move across the marudai/disk on the 2nd time you do the moves.