You should be seeing the kumihimo braid design tool here.
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About the braid
This is a marudai version of the kikko braid usually made on a takadai. Instructions can be found on the Yahoo group, kumi2, (you need to be a member of the group to access files) and on the Facebook group, Kumihimo Braiders International (you need to be signed in to Facebook):
Kumihimo Braiders International instructions
Making notes:
- Tighten braid at moves 1 and 5 by pulling crossed threads before laying down. It is important to do this consistently else the braidd will be uneven.
- I prefer to have a slight separation between the northern and southern groups, as shown in the thread layout diagram
- Michael Hattori has suggested splitting the groups of 4 into groups of 2 to help ensure correct placement, but I have not found this necessary
(Point of braid is at the bottom of the diagram).
How to use the designer
Use the colour picker to choose your thread colour. If you use it on the braid, it will be added to your colour list so you can easily choose it again. Click on the thread you want to colour in the braid diagram.
Some braids allow you to change the number of threads. If available, you can use the "+" and "-" buttons to change the number of threads - active internet connection required.
Disk instructions
Although the disk diagrams show working on a 64 slot disk, I have made this on a 32 slot. It works because the moves can be made to form a sequence where you are placing your thread (almost) in the same place as the next thread to move. This makes it possible to release the next thread, move a thread across to make space for the current one, and put the current one in its slot. You can then ignore steps 5 to 8 as you have done this as you have gone along. To do this, you need to get a really clear idea of how the threads move round the disk as without gaps between groups, it is easy to lose your place - but it does get easier with practice. A video to demonstrate this is planned.
The critical part of making this braid is the first move of each step. The thread must be pulled tight as this is what pulls the braid into shape, and it must be consistent else you will have loose or tight stitches along the braid. I have found the pull on steps 3 and 4 does not need to be as much as on steps 1 and 2.
Plan to make extra braid at the start and end as it is unlikely that the tensioning will work out for the ends of the braid.
- sourced via internet
На каких номерах диска ПЕРВОНАЧАЛЬНО находятся нити? Спасибо!
Could you try rephrasing the question – Google translate is not helping me on this one!