Hollow Braid

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DMC code:

About the braid

This braid makes a hollow tube. The braid is easily squashed to make a flat braid, particularly with larger numbers of threads. The diagram above shows how the braid would look if you were able to cut along its length without it falling apart!

How to use the designer

Use the colour picker to choose your thread colour. If you use it on the braid, it will be added to your colour list so you can easily choose it again. Click on the thread you want to colour in the braid diagram.

Some braids allow you to change the number of threads. If available, you can use the "+" and "-" buttons to change the number of threads - active internet connection required.

How to make the braid

To make your braid, set up the threads as shown. The thread movements work the same way as "Hollow 16" on Marudai Painter: Take the left thread of the top pair, and jump the right thread to the next group. Put it to the left of the new group, then take the middle thread of your new group of 3 and jump its right thread to the next group. Repeat this until all the groups are pairs again. Do the same thing with the right hand threads, jumping over the left hand of the pair each time.

Examples of this braid can be found in:
  • Creative Kumihimo by Jacqui Carey (braid 8F) 8 threads
  • Creative Kumihimo by Jacqui Carey (braid 16N) 16 threads
  • Comprehensive Treatise of Braids (vol 1 - marudai) by Makiko Tada (braid 7) 8 threads
  • Comprehensive Treatise of Braids (vol 1 - marudai) by Makiko Tada (braid 64) 16 threads
  • Braids: 250 Patterns from Japan, Peru and Beyond by Rodrick Owen (braid 11) 8 threads
  • Braids: 250 Patterns from Japan, Peru and Beyond by Rodrick Owen (braid 49) 16 threads
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