
You should be seeing the kumihimo braid design tool here.

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DMC code:

About the braid

This braid was suggested by Michael Hattori – he figured out how to make it from a photograph and provided me with instructions.

When I first made it (with embroidery rayon) I found that the central pair of columns on the front of the braid were narrower than the rest, and formed a depression in the braid. Nothing I did changed that, although the braid benefits from tightening on moves 3 and 6 (I take the tama over to opposite sides of the marudai and pull firmly before putting them in their new places). Michael also recommends gentler tightening on moves 2 and 4, but I haven’t seen much difference with the way I am doing it. This was less noticeable when I made the braid again with a “rougher” thread – regular stranded embroidery thread.

I haven’t tried making it with more than 48 threads – I was finding my marudai seemed quite crowded enough without adding 12 more!  Given the way the threads move, I am pretty confident the planner will work, but please let us know how you get on if you try 60 threads yourself.

1 thread per group changes the braid structure quite a bit, but I have included a planner anyway.

Thanks for this Michael.

Point of braid is at the bottom of the plan.

How to use the designer

Use the colour picker to choose your thread colour. If you use it on the braid, it will be added to your colour list so you can easily choose it again. Click on the thread you want to colour in the braid diagram.

Some braids allow you to change the number of threads. If available, you can use the "+" and "-" buttons to change the number of threads - active internet connection required.

How to make the braid

To make your braid, set up the threads as shown. Marudai sequences are given for the braids with up to 48 threads.

Examples of this braid can be found in:
  • This braid was worked out by Michael Hattori
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